Re: Info {Can I Have It?}
If I were you I would focus on improving resting within the PT for MP and organising with the WHM who should be doing what. If your whm is being attentive and is trying to cover the PLD's inadequacies, then ask him to let the pld get into the red. Nothing motivates a bad PLD to self-cure more than getting close to death at full MP. You may have a ragequit if the PLD dies, but frankly it'll be a wake-up call for him to start utilizing the mp pool you're supplying him with.
I don't think the overall issue here is whether or not you need damage reduction, though. It seems like either the PT you're in is bad or you're having MP management issues within the PT. Ideally, the WHM should be resting enough to keep the chain going. If he's standing around doing nothing for extended periods of time when he could easily be recovering the mp you claim he overzealously uses, then he's a bad whm.
I can honestly say I've never been in a situation where I've been supporting a whm but have been forced to main heal. Normally I support the whm by throwing in cures when something's causing the tank to lose health rapidly (read:nin tank, on most accounts). Otherwise I stick to the haste and refresh chain, with the occasional regen I.
Now, your own losing MP quickly is an issue to be concerned about. Consider getting a macro for equipping hMP items when you rest, such as the Dark Staff and Baron's Slops. If you're having MP issues, use Ginger Cookies, Pie +1s, or Mushroom Stew (stew is the best in my opinion for RDM, it also provides MND). If you're still having trouble, then your inefficiency may be in your refresh/haste chain. Consider alternating refreshes and hastes (even if haste hasn't worn out yet) to minimize time standing during battle. If you're still having problems, then do not use elemental damage spells if you currently are. They're not MP efficient for your purpose and will have you squatting desperately for MP.
So for a short reference, focus on the following, in this order:
Your own ability and timing to recover mp > Your party's proficiencies in their respective classes >>>>>>>> Damage reduction items
If I were you I would focus on improving resting within the PT for MP and organising with the WHM who should be doing what. If your whm is being attentive and is trying to cover the PLD's inadequacies, then ask him to let the pld get into the red. Nothing motivates a bad PLD to self-cure more than getting close to death at full MP. You may have a ragequit if the PLD dies, but frankly it'll be a wake-up call for him to start utilizing the mp pool you're supplying him with.
I don't think the overall issue here is whether or not you need damage reduction, though. It seems like either the PT you're in is bad or you're having MP management issues within the PT. Ideally, the WHM should be resting enough to keep the chain going. If he's standing around doing nothing for extended periods of time when he could easily be recovering the mp you claim he overzealously uses, then he's a bad whm.
I can honestly say I've never been in a situation where I've been supporting a whm but have been forced to main heal. Normally I support the whm by throwing in cures when something's causing the tank to lose health rapidly (read:nin tank, on most accounts). Otherwise I stick to the haste and refresh chain, with the occasional regen I.
Now, your own losing MP quickly is an issue to be concerned about. Consider getting a macro for equipping hMP items when you rest, such as the Dark Staff and Baron's Slops. If you're having MP issues, use Ginger Cookies, Pie +1s, or Mushroom Stew (stew is the best in my opinion for RDM, it also provides MND). If you're still having trouble, then your inefficiency may be in your refresh/haste chain. Consider alternating refreshes and hastes (even if haste hasn't worn out yet) to minimize time standing during battle. If you're still having problems, then do not use elemental damage spells if you currently are. They're not MP efficient for your purpose and will have you squatting desperately for MP.
So for a short reference, focus on the following, in this order:
Your own ability and timing to recover mp > Your party's proficiencies in their respective classes >>>>>>>> Damage reduction items